Rachel sees both children & adults and is in our Winfield office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rachel has been working as a counselor for nine years. She specializes in treating survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Rachel is passionate about creating a safe, affirming space for teens and adults of all genders, races, classes, and abilities. Rachel loves art and often uses creativity in her counseling sessions. In her free time, Rachel likes to read and watch movies (mostly horror and fantasy), is a huge animla lover, and is always crafting something!

Rachel has a Bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies and Sociology and a Master’s degree in Counseling. She is currently studying to get a degree in Art Therapy. You might be a good fit with Rachel, if the sexual violence your experienced is affecting you in any of these ways:

  • You’re nervous about talking about your emotions or history and are open to using art
  • You’re struggling to love your body and wanting to feel more comfortable in your skin
  • You’re exploring or questioning your sexual or gender identity